Кто стоит за всеми этими провокациями, повлекшими смерть стольких людей? Кому выгодно, чтобы именно в городе, который всегда славился стремлением к компромиссам, развязалась такая кровавая трагедия? Почему бездействовали спецслужбы и милиция? Кто и зачем готовил эту чудовищную провокацию и организовывал эту кровавую диверсию? Десятки вопросов, на которые люди должны найти ответы.
У главного входа в музей Прав Человека 2 мая в 13 часов состоится митинг памяти и протеста. Организаторы не русскоговорящие люди, к участию приглашаются все, кому не безразлично происходящее на Украине.
Митинги запланированы во всех городах Канады и других странах 2 мая.
Free Press впервые напечатала оппозиционную статью, копирую вам на английском, если что непонятно спрашивайте.
Canada hurting Ukraine
The decision of the Canadian government to send 200 troops to train the Ukrainian army will only intensify the divisions that have erupted in Ukraine since the installation of the Poroshenko government.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper is pursuing his "new" Cold War ideology at the expense of the Ukrainian people. To its shame, Canada has supported and encouraged the Kyiv government's war against the eastern regions.
The resistance of the east Ukraine is to the policies of the Kyiv government. Poroshenko has pursued the integration of Ukraine economically and politically with the EU, militarily with NATO; and the elimination of the rights of national and ethnic minorities in a grand scheme to homogenize Ukraine. As the restructuring demanded by the EU hits home with austerity, erosion of social services, deprivation of livelihood and destruction of agriculture the discontent in all of Ukraine grows. The war, in particular, has spawned an antiwar movement.
Contrary to the "blame Russia" narrative, it was the regular forces of the Kyiv government and the irregular militia of right-wing groups that entered the eastern regions with violence a year ago. To date, the conflict has resulted in the death of more than 6,000 civilians and the displacement of more than 1.5 million people.
Canada's actions are contrary to securing peace in Ukraine or democratic values. Canada is turning a blind eye to the dark history of right-wing Ukraine nationalism in its support for the Kyiv government.
A dialogue is emerging in Ukraine (and the diaspora) against the war and in favour of reconciliation and peace. Harper and Poroshenko, however, seem bent on stopping this by aligning themselves with the darkest forces from the past and fanning the flames of conflict within Ukraine and, more broadly, Russia.
Glenn Michalchuk (судя по фамилии, автор похоже украинец)