Задайте себе вопрос: Что значит для меня помочь сейчас? Ведь зная, что человеку плохо, всегда хочется помочь, но порой не знаешь как. Сейчас вполне ясно, как можно помочь, переведите немного денег. Нас много уже в Канаде, 10-20 долларов не изменят жизнь дающего, а жизнь принимающего могут изменить.
Спасибо! Лично прошу помочь дружеским участием Наташе, жене Григория, ей сейчас невыносимо тяжело.
Перевод финансовой помощи.
Ниже публикую текст, присланный Евгенией.
To be diagnosed with Cancer is something no one is prepared to hear. However, this is what happened to Gregory Fidel, a 46 year-old father and husband. With Gregory’s diagnosis the lives of his wife Natalie and his son Max have been changed forever.
Gregory is a truck driver and owner operator at Bison Transport in Winnipeg, MB. Within the last year he started developing major headaches thinking they were just bad migraines. Due to the nature of his profession and hectic work schedule, he did not have time to see a doctor. However, in the last month the pain got so severe that he finally had to leave his job for an undetermined period of time. Gregory was diagnosed with brain and lung cancer with six brain tumors already fully developed.
Gregory was immediately admitted to Seven Oaks hospital where he is currently fighting for his life. So far Gregory has undergone 12 painful procedures of radiation and chemotherapy, and requires constant observation. His wife and a few friends share the task of staying by his side 24/7 in order to ease his discomfort and suffering.
Because Gregory is self-employed, he has almost no insurance. Payments such as mortgage, truck, his son’s school tuition, car lease etc, have been piling up, because there is no substantial income coming in. Gregory was the main breadwinner of the family. His family will not be able to support itself and will possibly be left with considerable debt if he does not make it through. A small community of friends and co-workers has gathered to help as much as they can, but most of the friends are working class individuals with their own financial obligations, and have no disposable income for times such as this.
Gregory, Natalie and 15 year-old Max have no family in Canada, and the closest thing to a family is their small group of close friends. We, the community of friends and co-workers have come together to ask all of you for any help that you are willing to offer. Every penny counts as we are struggling to preserve the family’s peace as their lives are being shaken to the core. Any donation will be greatly appreciated, and will help the family tremendously in their fight. We will update this page for any developments on Gregory’s condition.