Люди, кто может помогите, оградите хотя бы от финансовых проблем на первое время, убитую горем жену и маму двух малышей.
Друзьями организован фонд помощи. Ниже присланный текст.
The Seibert Memorial Fund (кликнув мышкой, вы попадете по нужному адресу, куда можно перевести деньги помощи. Спасибо.)
As many of you may know, in the early hours of September 24th, 2015 a tragic car accident took the life of our dear friend, Anatoli Seibert, leaving behind his young family, his wife Nelli and 2 children ages 5 and 1. The realty of losing a loving husband and father is hitting quite hard and mourning is difficult, especially with 2 little kids involved who will have to grow up without their father. We are asking the community to come together and lift this family up in prayer, love and by helping in any way possible to help them navigate through this difficult heartbreaking time. Really, there are no words to explain the heartache and pain that we are all feeling at the moment, especially Nelli and the kids, but his memory will live on forever.
Everyone who has asked to help Nelli in this time of need, please consider giving to this fund, which will be used to cover numerous needs the family is facing including memorial costs and future expenses.
We also ask you to send prayers and love to our dear friend Nelli Seibert and her two little boys, Sergey and Alexander
Thank you for your love and support!